Transforming teacher education policy and practice for sustainable development in Southern Africa
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The Sustainability Starts with Teachers is a UNESCO-led capacity building programme for teacher educators on Education for Sustainable Development in Southern Africa.
It aims to strengthen Education for Sustainable Development and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in teacher education institutions for teachers and educators from Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), primary, secondary and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The overall objective is to provide capacity building to support educators to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into all areas of education.
This website contains resources for teacher educators, news and events, and stories of change. It also explains how the programme will operate.
Please find relevant information by using the navigation bar or by clicking on the links below.
Education for Sustainable Development is necessary for supporting learning in relation to all of the Sustainable Development Goals. Education must be seen as being integral to Sustainable Development.
Additionally, the Education Goal, Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals, has a specific target that requires education systems to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into national education and training systems. Specifically, Target 4.7 of SDG 4 requires all governments by 2030 to:
“ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”

Find out more about the Sustainability Starts with Teachers programme, who is involved and what the objectives are.

Download freely available resources including course materials and an e-library to support teacher educators.

Alumni Forum
Join the interactive forum for teacher educators involved in the Sustainability Starts with Teachers programme.

Read about exciting news, events, and stories of change related to Sustainability Starts with Teachers programme.
Teacher Education Change Projects
Change Projects are self-defined institutional change initiatives. They include curriculum innovations, pedagogical innovations and whole-institution innovations. Importantly, all Change Projects must be orientated towards sustainability, and to relevant policy in participating countries.
Change Projects in teacher education can focus on teaching practice improvements, assessment, integration of culture and indigenous knowledge into curriculum, community engagement, and science and technology innovations for sustainability. Whole institution sustainability initiatives are also welcome.
The Sustainability Starts with Teachers course is for teacher educators and TVET educators, not teachers or TVET instructors.
The Sustainability Starts with Teachers course is for teacher educators and TVET educators, not teachers or TVET instructors. The focus is on an action-oriented approach to transformative learning in teacher education and TVET institutions.
The programme encourages teacher educators and TVET educators to put transformative education and learning towards sustainable development at the centre of their educational work.