Angola Change Project workshops will take place in 2022. In the meantime, teacher educators who are interested in starting work on ESD teacher education Change Projects can consult other examples from the projects being developed in participating countries and make contact with the UNESCO office to share their work.
We will also be sharing examples of earlier ESD Change Projects that were developed in Angola from the ESD alumni network.

News & Events

Inclusion of ESD in school curricula and activities on course
Stakeholders and participants of the Capacity-Building Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (CAP-ESD) met in Harare on 31st January 2020 to review their Change Projects. Change Projects are institutional change initiatives to support the integration of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into teacher education. Participants reviewed each other’s project presentations. They...
Change Project: Paper Collection Project for Recycling: A pilot initiative
Agostinho Neto University
In this project a Community of Practice was formed and discussions held. The CoP agreed upon a topic which was: Paper Collection Project for Recycling: A pilot initiative. The change project focus had a focus on the collection and use of waste. Project underway at the time of reporting.
Change Project: Exploring issues of interest
Agostinho Neto University
In this project a Community of Practice was formed and discussions held. The CoP agreed upon a topic which was: Exploring issues of interest. The change project focus was to explore eleven of the seventeen SDG 2030 Goals in the local context. Project underway at the time of reporting.
Change Project: Greening of Spaces
Ugie Teacher Training Higher Education Institution
In this project a Community of Practice was formed and discussions held. The CoP agreed upon a topic which was: Greening of Spaces. The change project focus was to integrate ESD in the local context through the growing of indigenous plants and crops. Project underway at the time of reporting. The joy in this project is evident.
Change Project: ESD for the Prevention and containment of the Munda Ravine in Huambo
Huambo Teacher Training Higher Education Institution
In this project a Community of Practice was formed and discussions held. The CoP agreed upon a topic which was: ESD for the Prevention and containment of the Munda Ravine in Huambo. The change project focused on a local environmental issue of importance. Project underway at the time of reporting.
Change Project: Soap production
Rainha Njinga a Mbande University (URNM)
In this project a Community of Practice was formed and discussions held. The CoP agreed upon a topic which was: Soap production. The change project focus was to create soap using traditional methods from used oil. This project incorporates the inclusion of indigenous knowledge and addresses a waste problem respectively. Project underway at the time of reporting.
Change Project: Capacity building for TVET educators in TVET Colleges
Polytechnic Institute of Katavala Bwila
In this project a Community of Practice was formed and discussions held. The CoP agreed upon a topic which was: Capacity building for TVET educators in TVET Colleges. The change project focus was on Post School Education and Training. Project underway at the time of reporting