We find ourselves in an era marked by complex global challenges intertwined with local social-ecological issues. The challenge facing teacher education today is to prepare future teachers with the socio-ecological knowledge, skills, attitudes and values essential for...
Since 2020 Lesotho has desired to have a national Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) strategy to support the country towards its vision 2030 agenda. ESD infuses key sustainable development issues into teaching and learning such as climate change, disaster...
Following the launch of PaMtondo Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Change Project at Phalombe Teachers Training College in Malawi on 10th December 2021, a situational analysis challenged teacher educators and student teachers to address overdependence on...
The 40th Conference for the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EESA), held at the University of Namibia from 23rd to 25th August 2022, featured a very esteemed activity, Sustainability Starts with Teachers (SST) policy dialogue. SST is a capacity...
Zambia is the first of eleven SADC countries to start drafting a national Education for Sustainable Development Ā (ESD) strategy. Elements of this strategy were discussed during a policy dialogue in Lusaka from 25-26 July as a follow up to the adoption of the SADC ESD...
SADCĀ Ministers approved the Regional Strategic Framework on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) on 17 June 2022 in Lilongwe, Malawi. Ā The framework was highly appreciated by the Joint Meeting of SADC Ministers of Education and Training and Science, Technology...